Lianne Sturlaugson
5/14/2020 4:29 PM
When I'm walking back in the neighborhoods by my house, it's pretty pleasant. My fiancé and I have journeyed towards town, but what makes that experience unpleasant is that the sidewalk is very exposed to the main road. It's loud, there is car exhaust and in general feels pretty dangerous.
In other areas I have lived, the walkway to travel on, though parallel to a main road, was about 20 feet away with trees and bushes planted in between. This was nice because you could still get to where you needed to go, but the experience was a little bit more peaceful. Areas designed in this way would make "going for a walk" to the store, seem much better than a drive.
In other areas I have lived, the walkway to travel on, though parallel to a main road, was about 20 feet away with trees and bushes planted in between. This was nice because you could still get to where you needed to go, but the experience was a little bit more peaceful. Areas designed in this way would make "going for a walk" to the store, seem much better than a drive.