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Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar

Leia Sutton-Barnes

Green Girls


  • 0 TODAY
  • 241 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    community event
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    locally sourced meals

Leia's actions


Start or Tend a Garden

Plant-Rich Diet

I will start or tend a garden at my home, whether in my yard or in containers on a porch or windowsill.




Composting, Reduced Food Waste

I will start a compost bin where I live.



Support Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management

I will research and support local farmers who have made the decision to not use synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.



Support Organic Growing Methods

Nutrient Management

My family and I will buy organic cotton and foods grown without the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.



Support Local Food Systems

Plant-Rich Diet

I will work with my family or school to source 20 percent of my food from local producers each day. This could include signing up for a local CSA, buying from a farmer's market, visiting a food co-op, foraging with a local group, or growing my own ingredients.



Smart Seafood Choices

Coming Attraction: Ocean Farming

I will visit or download the app and commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.


Action Track: Social Justice

Food distribution to marginalized community

I will volunteer to help distribute food to the migrant farm worker families in my community who help to put food on our tables. In this time of Covid-19, many of these families are struggling to have enough income to provide food for their own family.



Material Footprints

All Industry & Materials Solutions

I will spend at least 20 minute(s) researching and comparing the environmental footprint and emissions of at least two materials. I will find manufacturers of these materials that have taken steps to improve their footprints.


Electricity Generation

Learn about Agrivoltaics

Solar Farms

I will spend at least 15 minute(s) learning about agrivoltaics (agriculture + photovoltaics) and how this solution can produce clean energy while also reducing water consumption and increasing food production in arid climates.


Climate Change

Participate In A Virtual Earth Day Event

All Drawdown Solutions

I will participate in a virtual Earth Day event.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/20/2020 11:03 AM
    This was a really amazing event! I think that is should definitely be done again in the future when more in-person collaboration and projects can be done. That being said, there is so much information out there available to us on how we can make a difference. This helped me to see that it is not as difficult to find as I thought.  Thank you to the organizers, especially Rachel! Hope to participate more fully in any future challenges.
    Food Start or Tend a Garden
    How is working in a garden or on a farm good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health?

    Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:26 PM
    It is good for my health on all levels. On a very physical level, I am getting my hands in the dirt and exposing myself to many microorganisms that help strengthen my immune system.  I am also getting sunlight to give me much needed vit. D. I get some exercise (preping a bed is hard work!). On a mental level, I get to listen to the birds, observe all the creatures around me being in their life rhythm, which relaxes me. And I can pay attention to my breathing. My stress reduces and I have space to think about goals and priorities in my life. On a spiritual level, I feel my connection to all the living things around me and know that I am doing something that is beautifying my surroundings and will nurture me.
    Food Composting
    Producing food that goes uneaten squanders many resources—seeds, water, energy, land, fertilizer, hours of labor, financial capital. Which of these kinds of waste most motivates you to change your behavior regarding food waste? Why?

    Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:22 PM
    The water, energy, and hours of labor are the kinds of waste that most motivate me to change my behavior regarding food waste.  There is so much that goes into the production of food. If we all were more mindful of how much we consume and waste, we would not have to tax our land and people as much as we do and would still be able to provide for our needs.
    Food Smart Seafood Choices
    Many states and countries have advisories on eating fish. Find out what is advised for your region. Do you think your diet choices fall within these guidelines? What steps do you need to take to make sure that they do?

    Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:18 PM
    I shop at local markets that do pole catching for most of the fish I buy.  We have a salmon season that just opened a few weeks ago and there are size and number limits to the fish people are allowed to catch.  I also like to keep one of the seafood watch cards in my wallet to make "good" choices about the fish I am eating.  Other than that, I just think there needs to be enforcement of the restrictions so people don't abuse this.  
    Food Support Local Food Systems
    Dependable fresh food, supporting local farmers and building resilient communities are just a few benefits of local food systems. Which of these (or other) advantages inspire you the most?

    Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:13 PM
    I actually live in a very agriculture dominant area in California.  There are fields growing strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, apples, and many leafy greens all around me.  There has been more and more movement in my area to move to organic farming.  I love buying the local organic produce and making my own garden for supplementing my meals.
    Electricity Generation Learn about Agrivoltaics
    How could agrivoltaics help solve many of our sustainability problems at one time?

    Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:11 PM
    As presented, it allows for the same plot of land to have several functions at the same time. I lived in AZ where there is plenty of sunlight but is very hot.  I love that having the plants growing under the solar panels can give them some shade, slightly reduce the temperature under the panels, and create a greenhouse effect for growing more crops.  I hope we get more innovations of how to multitask solutions.
    Climate Change Participate In A Virtual Earth Day Event
    In what virtual Earth Day event did you participate? What did you like most about it?

    Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:08 PM
    I participated in the youth Earth Day virtual gathering suggested by my teammate, Rachel.  It was lovely.  I am sad that there was not the excitement generated by people being physically together at a gathering, but it made it possible to connect people across the country.  There was some powerful poetry shared by teens and I learned about youth organizations working to champion our environment. Makes me slightly more hopeful for the future.

  • Leia Sutton-Barnes's avatar
    Leia Sutton-Barnes 5/14/2020 2:05 PM
    I have not been very active during this challenge but I LOVE it.  There is so much great information and so many helpful resources.  I am just sorry that I did not do more.  I am inspired to continue to learn though.  Thanks.